Tuesday, February 11, 2014

English Muffin Mini Pizzas

I love me some pizza! While trolling around on Pinterest I saw these little gems. Since my surgery I am limited on how much food I can eat at one time so these were perfect for me! I went to the store and gathered up all the necessary ingredients and whipped these up one night for dinner. I served the mini pizzas alongside some home made Italian pasta salad. I love Hawaiian pizza so of course that is what I chose to make, however the great thing about these is you can top them with your own favorite toppings!

The mini pizzas are super easy and quick to make. Even the kiddos can easily make their own!

TIP:  Don't you hate when you bite into a slice of pizza and in one bite you drag off half of the toppings and end up with hot pizza sauce dripping down your chin? Ok, well maybe that only happens to me? Just in case
it does happen, an easy way to remedy it is to cut your toppings up into small bit size pieces. That way when you take a bite of the pizza your teeth won't drag off your toppings!  lk]\

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